Ethereum Decentralized App My last blog went over the conception of Cache the game. Where we went to compete in Denver in the ETHDenver Hackathon last February. We ended up gutting out a win. We used this steam to power our train up into an official launch in the next...
My second consecutive solo art show in Boston We came back to Ester 2261 Dorchester Ave, Boston, MA again 2/9/18 Thanks to Elanor Arpino, former owner of Ester we were able to close out 2 successful art shows in 2 years, we also had a few parties and closed out the...
Painting a Temporary Mural in Boston As an artist I always have fun, but outdoors across from Fenway Park brings me back to how I just started. I knew in Kindergarten I was going to be an artist but I had no clue that I could do this as a career until I painted...
We held an art show at Tesla, Chelsea, NYC We had an art show, a performance, and a little party. I want to thank Tesla, Blake Emory, and Emory Vodka for allowing us the opportunity to paint, and display in Chelsea. I also worked as a Body Painter at this event for...
Vibration Installation at MIT Ashdown House Vibrations by Roscoe Lamontagne ( 8′ x 5′ ) Oil on canvas The painting is inspired from a famous painting done by Dan Flavin. Now they remain together on the walls of the Ashdown House this painting needs to be...