3d Printing tools

3D printing overview

There are many kinds of “3d printing robots” I have had objects printed in metal, ceramic, rubber, and many different types of plastics. I have purchased 3 printers over the years that are classified as FDM printers. They feed different types of thermoplastics through a heated nozzle. Going layer by layer the robots build from the bottom up to turn a computer model, into a tangible object.  Virtually anything that can be designed in a computer model can be manufactured with one of these technologies.

Printrbot Metal Plus Printing Techniques

Brand: Printrbot

Type FDM

3d Software: Repetier Host

Computer: Windows 8.1

More about printing the Pyramid

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Printing the White Mountains

Here is an example project working with Topography maps, converting a GPS plot into a digital CAD file and printing it and sharing it.

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