Get an Art Installation

Permanent art from Roscoe Studio

Custom Oil Paintings and Sculptures from Roscoe Lamontagne

Why Install Artwork?

One thing we know is that every space can benefit from great artwork. Some buildings need art more than others, and this will be evident to faculty, to clients, to students and whomever frequents the building. Art does more than create a beautiful interior; it creates conversation and subliminal energy throughout every day.

The Creative Process

When we take a tour of the facility, we are looking at all of the current art and decorations. Then we make suggestions and create a series of concept artwork pieces that we think would fit well. We then send over the artwork for you to choose from and suggest other ideas. We consider the medium, whether oil paint or metal sculpture. We can even combine the art with different concepts such as furniture or painted murals. This is an open process and always a creative one.

oil painting at ashdown house by Roscoe Lamontagne

roscoe lamontagne artoil painting oil jaguar on canvas


Once we can agree on subject matter, we draft an art presentation that shows the mock art with pricing and suggested locations. We then pick an install date and begin to plan the process. This will cover materials, deadlines, and information about where the art will be created. This helps everyone involved to be on the same page. We also install our work with in-house people; however, we allow the client to install the work themselves. Typically, a deposit of 33% is due before I create the artwork.

Fun Part

Creating the artwork is the best part. I tend to make miniatures of each artwork before constructing the final piece. By practicing composition and color palettes, the artist can work more efficiently and accurately on the final work. Not all projects fall in the same categories. The thing I love about fine art is the curve balls that are thrown in. The only way to move forward in fine art is to keep creating. We allow our clients studio visits at any time, as long as they are requested within 24 hours. As an artist, I am more than happy to be transparent with the entire process of creating the art.

Installing the Artwork

What kind of art installation would be complete without someone to install it? We have professionals who can install each piece, on time, and exactly right. Don’t worry about getting the art up; let us include this with the artwork.

Let’s Throw a Party

The best thing to do when the artwork is complete, is to unveil it to the special people in the organization. I usually leave this completely to the client; however, I would be more than happy to make an appearance and talk about the project with anyone involved. We can also do personal tours for the night or a presentation. I like to bring reference materials used to design the art, and personally sign some memorabilia that we can give to people in the organization. This could be a great night for everyone involved to commemorate the art and the organization.

mit art installation

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